사단법인 유럽헌법학회


유럽헌법학회 인도네시아 국제학술대회(15회) 안내
작성자 : 관리자 등록일시 : 2010-08-11 22:13
첨부파일 :
International Seminar


Advancing Legislative System for Global Issues




Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada


In collaboration with


Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) and Korean Association for European Constitutional Law (KAECL)


August, 18th, 2010




08:00 ~ 09: 00              Registration




09:00 ~ 09.45               Opening Ceremony




-      Welcoming Remarks: Organizer (Andy Omara SH, MPub& IntLaw)


-      Opening Remarks: Prof. Dr. Marsudi Triatmojo, Dean of Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada


-      Congratulatory Remarks: Kim Ki Pyo, President of KLRI


-      Keynote Speech: Prof. Dr. Byun Hae Cheol, Chairman of KAECL


Integration and Public Law in Multicultural Society




09:45 ~ 11: 30            First Session: Global Climate Change Adaptation and Green Growth Paradigm




-      Moderator: Totok Dwi Diantoro, SH., M.Sc. UGM


-      Speaker 1: Director, Dr. Chan-ho Park, KLRI (15’)


Low Carbon Green Growth Act for Climate Change Adaptation in Korea (TBD)


-      Speaker 2: Abdullah Abdul Fatah, S,H.,LL.M, UGM (15’)


Compatibility of Indonesian Act No. 32 of 2009 in Responding to Climate Change Issues (tentative)


-      Panels:


1.      Prof. Dr. Lee Kwang Youn, SKKU (10’)


2.      Wahyu Yun Santoso, SH., LL.M. UGM (10’)


3.      Prof. Dr. Koh, Mun Hyun (10’)


4.      Endro Susilo, SH., LL.M. UGM (10’)


5.      Prof. Dr. Park, Jong Bo, Hanyang Univ., seoul (10’)


                                        Questions and Answers




11:30 ~ 13:00                  L u n c h




13:00 ~ 14:45           Second Session: Integration of Laws in Multi-Cultural Society




-      Moderator: Andy Omara, SH., LL.M. UGM


-      Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. Kim Hyung Nam, Dankook Univ., Seoul (15”)


Impact of Integrity Phenomenon about judicial Review Standard in Global Society


Speaker 2: M Fajrul Falaakh, SH, MA, M.Sc. UGM (15”)


The Development of Legal System in Accommodating the Diverse Societies (tentative)


Speaker 3: Prof. Dr. Fugikawa Hisaaki, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Tokyo (15”)


Integration and Labor Law in Japan


-      Panels:


1.      Prof. Dr. Lim ji Bong, Sogang Univ., Seoul (10”)


2.      Prof. Dr. Nurhasan Ismail, SH., MSi. UGM (10”)


3.      Dr. Lee, Kyung Hee, KLRI (10”)


4.      Sri Natin,SH., MH. UGM (10”)


5.      Prof. Dr. Choi Kyung Ok, Youngsan Univ., Pusan (10”)


                                       Questions and Answers




14:45 ~ 16:45           Third Session: Regulation Impact on Local Government Autonomy


-      Moderator: Andi Sandi ATT, SH., LL.M. UGM


-      Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. Ryu, Si Jo, PUFS, Pusan (15”)


Indonesian Community and Law in Korean


-      Speaker 2: Enny Nurbaningsih, SH., MH. UGM (15”)


Regulation Impact Assessment: An Instrument for Advancing Local Regulation


-      Speaker 3: Prof. Dr. Park Zin Wan, Kyungbuk Univ., Daegue (15”)


 A Discourse on the Constitutionality of the Rights enshrined in the International Migration Convention






1.      Prof. Dr. Kim Kyong Je, Dongkuk Univ., Seoul (10”)


2.      Aminoto, SH., MH. UGM (10”)


3.       Prof. Dr. Jang, Jin Sook, Pukyung Univ., Pusan(10”)


4.      Zaenal Arifin Mochtar, SH., LL.M. UGM (10”)


5.      Prof. Dr. Kim, Ju Young (10”)


                                        Questions and Answers




16:45                               Closing



Round-table Conference




Advancing Legislative System for Global Issues




Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada


In collaboration with


Korea Legislation Research Institute (KLRI) and Korean Association for European Constitutional Law (KAECL)




August, 17th, 2010


19:45 ~ 20.00               Opening Ceremony




-      Opening Remarks: Prof. Dr. Marsudi Triatmojo, Dean of Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada


-      Congratulatory Remarks: Kim Ki Pyo, President of KLRI




20:00 ~ 22:00             First Session: Law and Multiculturalism




-      Moderator: Prof. Dr. Byun Hae Cheol,


-      Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. Shim, kyung Soo


The Legislative Policies of Major Countries Regarding Multicultural Societ


-      Speaker 2: Prof. Dr. Eun Soong Pyo (15’)


Globalization and Multiculture


-      Speaker 3: Prof. Dr. Park In Soo (15’)


   International cooperation in the multi-cultural society


-      Speaker 4: Prof. Dr. Jang, Jin Sook, Pukyung Univ., Pusan (15’)


A comparative study of multiculturalism and the integration policy of a nation-state based on the cases of Canada and Japan (15’)






1.      Andy Omara SH, MPub& IntLaw (10’)


2.      Wahyu Yun Santoso, SH., LL.M. UGM (10’)


3.      KAECL Totok Dwi Diantoro, SH., M.Sc. UGM (10’)


4.      Endro Susilo, SH., LL.M. UGM (10’)


                                        Questions and Answers






August, 19th, 2010


09:00 ~12:00              Second Session: Constitution and Integration




-      Moderator: Prof. Dr. Kim Kyong Je, Dongkuk Univ., Seoul


-      Speaker 1: Prof. Dr. . Lee Jae Sam (15’)


Comparative Study for Actualization of Democracy in Indonesia and Korea


-      Speaker 2: Prof. Dr. Park, Jong Bo, Hanyang Univ., seoul (15’)


Constitutional Rights of Foreigners - Korean Perspective


-      Speaker 3: Prof. Dr. Choi Kyung Ok, Youngsan Univ. (15’)


Workers’ rights of migrant in Korea


-      Speaker 4: Prof. Dr. Koh, Mun Hyun (15’)


              Public Interest Litigation in India




Coffee Break




-  Moderator: Prof. Dr. Lee Kwang Youn, SKKU


-  Speaker 5: Prof. Dr. Kim, Ju Young (15’)


A Constitutional Approach on Death with Dignity: A critical Study with legal-logical perspective


-      Speaker 6: Prof. Dr. Jung Gong Gil (15’)


Comparative Study for Actualization of Democracy in Indonesia and Korea


-      Speaker 7: Prof. Dr. Lim Ji Bong, Sogang Univ., Seoul (15’)


The Role of Constitutional Court in Realizing Rule of Law in Korea


-      Speaker 8: Prof. Dr. Jeong Kuk Won, Daegu Univ. (15’)


Constitutional Amendment and Security Scheme of natural rights for the disabled






1.      Prof. Dr. Fugikawa Hisaaki, Aoyama Gakuin Univ., Tokyo (10”)


2.      Aminoto, SH., MH. UGM (10”)


3.      Enny Nurbaningsih, SH., MH. UGM (10”)


4.      Zaenal Arifin Mochtar, SH., LL.M. UGM (10”)


5.      Nurhasan Ismail, SH., MSi. UGM (10”)


                                        Questions and Answers






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